
Mohawk Hats

Mohawk Hat

Patons Wool and Vanna's Choice Acrylic

This was my first attempt at the pattern. I added a few extra rows on the ears and the hat portion since I wanted the hat to be a little larger. We were going for the Trojan Helmet look of a metal hat with red mohawk. I am happy with the look, felted mohawk portion, the yarns used and the pattern, Mohawk Hat.

Finished Hat

I made a second hat using white Caron One Pound and Lion Brand Fisherman's Wool for the mohawk. In this one I followed the pattern and also added the wool yarn in a braid off the ear flaps, which felted out perfect.

Caron One Pound in White and Lion Brand Fisherman's Wool

Finished Hat

Close up of the Felted Braids

** These two hats are Hat #1 and Hat #2 of the 52 hats for 2011.

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