I have some picture to share today though.
Here is a snapshot of the loofah that I made for each bridesmaid and two for my mom. The loofah is inside the bag with a small trial sized soap. The pattern is the Cotton Bath Puff Crochet Pattern, and is easy once you get the hang out it. I was able to make this one in two and a half hours while watching television.
Progress: 1 done, 0.85 (or more if I decide to make any more) to go.
If you noticed in the first pic, there is the finished crochet blanket that I have been working on forever. It is what I have been referring to as the Granny Square Afghan. Here are some pictures of it completed.
It still needs to be blocked and a few ends need to be tucked, but it was warm and I am happy how it turned out. Thanks to everyone for the advice along the way. There is not a pattern I followed, but if anyone wants to know the exact directions I could let you know. There are only small changes made and they would not be missed if you made the traditional granny square afghan.
Progress: Almost done, needs blocking and end fixing.Here is a picture of the Sachet Yellow/White Bag. I have made no more progress on it, but only need to finish the top ruffly part and then make the string for the drawstring.
Progress: About 4/5 complete.
And then here is the scarf I started last time in the deep purple yarn. It is a new knitting stich and so far it has been east and fun to follow.
Progress: About 2/3 complete.
There is still more I did not take pictures of like the fuzzy scarf. I also pulled out the first scarf I ever started and finished it. I learned how to crochet while I crocheted this, so I was tempted to undo it, but stored it away in a closet. I am using it to remind myself of how things look when you first start off and how far you can come if you keep trying, plus its nice and warm. :) I will make sure to take a picture of it for the next round.