
Random Creations Update

Here are some snowflakes, as promised. The green and white are from thread while the grey is from an acyrlic silver yarn.
Does this look familiar? I made this not too long ago in the same silver as the snowflake above. Maybe it will get finished sometime. :P

Green Alpaca Scarf

Green Alpaca Scarf
Length: 40 inches
Width: 4.5 inches

Pattern: None
Stitch: Ripple Stitch
Yarn: Alpaca

Completed '08

Pink/White/Blue "Woven" Scarf

Pink/White/Blue "Woven" Scarf
Length: 64 inches
4.5 inches

Pattern: None
Stitch: Basketweave Stitch
Yarn: Mix, mainly Acrylic
(This was a WIP that was shelfed and is finally completed.)

Completed '08